Short Explanation
Notulensia is an app that simplifies organizing meetings by helping with scheduling, planning, and inviting participants. It also has a feature for evaluating meetings, gathering structured feedback to improve outcomes. Users can manage their schedules with ease and receive valuable feedback post-meetings. The app also integrates with Google accounts, enabling users to host or create Google Meet sessions at the click of a button.
Project Goals
Tech Stack Used
This project utilizes React with Next.js (app router), Zustand for state management, React Query to handle data fetching and caching, combining PrimeReact and Tailwind CSS for component and styling, React Toastify for toast components, React Hooks Form and Zod to streamline form handling and validation.
Advanced Form
The form for creating or editing events is quite advanced, with a lot of logic tied to it. I spent a lot of time building this. For example:
- The end time must be greater than the start time.
- The time on the scheduled program must fall between the start and end times.
- Implementing CRUD operations for schedule programs, audience lists, files.
- Much more…
The Problems and How I Solved It
Lesson Learned
Being a solo Frontend Developer with a limited timeframe for development presents a unique set of challenges. Balancing different tasks, such as slicing UI, coding, debugging, and testing, all while trying to meet deadlines, can be a daunting task. It requires effective time management, prioritization of tasks, and sometimes, making tough decisions about what features to include and what to postpone for future updates. Despite these challenges, it's a rewarding experience that enables one to stretch their skills, learn new technologies, and deliver a product that meets user needs.